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The learner’s journey – Creating more engaging MOOCs
Dawson, Carl · Meetoo, Krishan · Brown, Adam

PublishedOctober 2016
ConferenceEnhancing European Higher Education “Opportunities and impact of new modes of teaching”, Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference
Pages 705-716
EditorsUbachs, George and Konings, Lizzie
CountryUnited Kingdom, Europe

Overview of papers on enhancement of European Higher Education as presented during the Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference in Rome, October 2016

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are often perceived as a low-cost and efficient means for a teacher to reach a large audience of students, but if they are poorly made they will not be effective. A poorly made MOOC could have damaging effects on the teacher and the institution that they work for. Proversity teamed up with a professional screenwriter, summarising key areas of dramatic theory, to develop a robust template for the structure of MOOCs. It is hoped that in the near future, Proversity will be able to use The Learner’s Journey to create more effective MOOCs that allow learning through gameplay, immersing the student in the subject.

Keywords corporate · edX · enterprise · hero’s journey · Joseph Campbell · learner’s journey · monomyth · MOOC · MOOCs · national initiative · Open edX · regional strategy · skills · skills development · Vogler · writer’s journey · youth unemployment

Published atRome, Italy
RightsCopyright © 2016 European Association of Distance Teaching Universities and the authors. All rights reserved.
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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Actas de la Jornada de MOOCs en español en EMOOCs 2017 (EMOOCs-ES)
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Position papers for European cooperation on MOOCs
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Opportunities and threats of the MOOC movement for higher education: The European perspective
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Developing a strategic approach to MOOCs
Ferguson, Rebecca; Scanlon, Eileen; Harris, Lisa
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Innovating pedagogy 2013: Open University innovation report 2
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MOOC – supporting continued vocational training
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Open Learning and Learning at Scale: The Legacy of MOOCs
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