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Learning creative, learning MOOC
Pascariello, Maria Ines

PublishedJuly 2018
ConferenceICGG 2018 - Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Volume 809, Pages 2227-2231
PublisherSpringer International Publishing
EditorCocchiarella, Luigi
CountryItaly, Europe

The work here presented concerns the realization of a MOOC hosted by a platform (, developed by the University of Naples Federico II under a CIP European Program, offering services to a variety of instructional designs and pedagogical approaches. The online course concerns an important chapter of projective geometry, commonly known as "The Theory of Shadows'', which participants have to learn in order to draw the lights and shadows of space objects–-from simple plane figures, to more complex geometrical solids and elements of architecture–-correctly. The focus is on the essence of the discipline of drawing–-exercising creativity and giving free space for students to express themselves. In order to maximize students' learning in creative way, we have created a MOOC, comprising two main components: contents and pedagogical design, as a software package. More particularly, learning design puts the learning journey at the heart of the design process and provides a set of tools and information to support a learner activity-based approach. In our experience, we can't say that a MOOC is the best way of teaching graphic education, but we can say that is the most improved one.

Keywords digital inclusion · drawing · MOOC · open learning

Published atCham
Rights© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019
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