Information economy philosophy in universal education. The Open Educational Resources (OER): Technical, socioeconomics and legal aspects
Published | December 2008 |
Journal | Professional Communication Conference 2008 IPCC 2008 IEEE International, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Pages 1–5 |
According to Dr. B.R. Ambedkarpsilas definition by Deshpande, P.M. (1995), Open Educational Resources (OER) are based on the philosophical view of knowledge as a collective, social product. In consequence, it is also desirable to make it a social property. Terry Foote, one of the Wikipedia projectpsilas chairperson emphasize this: ldquoImagine a world in which every single person is given free access to the sum of all human knowledgeldquo . The importance of open educational resources (OERs) has been widely documented and demonstrated and a high magnitude impact is to be expected for OERs in the near future. This paper presents on overview of OERs and its current usage. Then, the paper goes into detailed some related aspects. Which is the impact, in socio-economic terms, of OER, especially for the less developed? Which legal aspects influence the diffusion and use of OER? And, which are the technical resources needed for them?.Language | eng |
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