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Open educational resources in Mongolia
Amarzaya, A. · Tumenbayar, D. · Navchaa, T. · Bulgan, A. · Burmaa, B. · Porter, David · Munkhtuya, L.

Published25 March 2020
Book titleCurrent state of open educational resources in the “Belt and Road” countries
Chapter 6, Pages 83-118
SeriesLecture notes in educational technology
PublisherSpringer, Singapore
CountryMongolia, Asia

In this country report we summarize the current development of OER in Mongolia from the point of view of eight factors. In order to write the report, we used a desk review of available policy frameworks related to the support of OER and the results of our survey from almost 600 teachers from Mongolia. As a result of the desk review, we conclude that the government of Mongolia is building necessary infrastructures to support OER but the policies that sustain the development of OER are not in place. Since the survey results tell us that teachers’ beliefs on the importance of using OER have positive influence on integration of OER into teaching activities, we conclude that successful use and adaptation of OER requires improvement of understanding and positive attitudes toward OER for the case of Mongolia. Public awareness of the importance of OER is also a necessary requirement.

Keywords level of usage for sources · level of engagement with OER · using OER · adoption of open licensing for OER · teacher beliefs about using OER · work-related advantages · student-related advantages

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