Developing regional OER guidelines in Cameroon: Consultant's report
Published | 26 January 2017 |
Publisher | Commonwealth of Learning |
Country | Cameroon, Africa |
The work involved preparing draft OER guidelines catering to regional requirements; building awareness among key stakeholders on the concept and impact of OER; advocating the necessity and benefits of a regional OER policy for Education; initiating the process of drafting OER guidelines in ten regions and working with champions towards a final draft guideline.Keywords | Cameroon · open educational resources · OER · policy · guidelines |
Language | English |
Refereed | Yes |
Rights | CC BY |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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OER mainstreaming in Cameroon: Perceptions and barriers
Nkwenti, Michael N.; Abeywardena, Ishan Sudeera
The government of Cameroon has been increasingly pre-occupied with the quality of learning outcomes and the lack of learning resources at all levels of the education system. Research on similar educational systems in ...
Match: nkwenti, michael n.; cameroon; oer; africa
OER: A developing world perspective
Kanwar, Asha
Harvard University Extension, Vancouver, Canada, April 7, 2011, Presented via teleconference, "OER: A Developing World Perspective" Prof. Asha Kanwar, Commonwealth of Learning
Match: developing; oer
A collaborative approach to OER policy and guidelines development in the Commonwealth: The case of Botswana, Cameroon, and Sri Lanka
Abeywardena, Ishan; Karunanayaka, Shironica; Nkwenti, Michael; Tladi, Lekopanye
Access to relevant learning resources is an important aspect in ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all as outlined in the sustainable development goal 4 (SDG4). ...
Match: cameroon; oer
Visualization mapping approaches for developing and understanding OER
Connolly, Teresa
Open educational resources (OER) can be described in numerous ways (Creative Commons, 2012). In this visualization based context, however, OER can be defined as
…teaching, learning and research resources that reside ...
Match: developing; oer
Developing open practices in teacher education: An example of integrating OER and developing renewable assignments
Van Allen, Jennifer; Katz, Stacy
This manuscript offers a reasoning for and example of integrating Open Educational Resources (OER) and open pedagogy within a teacher education course. We highlight a collaborative partnership between library faculty ...
Match: developing; oer
Positioning extension Massive Open Online Courses (xMOOCs) within the open access and the lifelong learning agendas in a developing setting
Nkuyubwatsi, Bernard
Recent reports on xMOOCs indicated that underprivileged learners in need for higher education have minimally been reached by these courses. While the open access agenda is needed to reach such learners, most MOOCs were ...
Match: developing
Widening access and OER: developing new practice
Cannell, Pete; Macintyre, Ronald; Hewitt, Lindsay
Open Educational Resources (OER) are widely viewed as having the potential to open up access to educational opportunities at all levels. However, issues of access, openness and free use are complex and contested. The ...
Match: developing; oer
Teacher professionalisation tools for developing and arranging OER: Studying the WikiWijs portal
Hummel, Hans G K.
Background: Wikiwijs (2009-2016) ran as national initiative by the Dutch Ministry of Education to stimulate usage of free and open digital learning material. It aimed to develop an e-learning platform where teachers (in ...
Match: developing; oer
New technologies for teaching and learning: Challenges for higher learning institutions in developing countries
The application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is already changing the organization and delivery of higher education. The pedagogical and socio-economic forces that have driven the higher learning ...
Match: developing
Developing and deploying OERs in sub-Saharan Africa: Building on the present
Wright, Clayton R.; Reju, Sunday A.
Open educational resources (OERs) have the potential to reduce costs, improve quality, and increase access to educational opportunities. OER development and deployment is one path that could contribute to achieving ...
Match: developing; oer; africa