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Design of MOOC "Innovative Teaching: Essentials of Digital Creativity and Hybrid Learning" for providing micro-credential for educators
Osadcha, Kateryna P. · Osadchyi, Viacheslav V. · Krasheninnik, Iryna V. · Chorna, Alona V. · Kuzminska, Olena H.

Published23 September 2024
Conference3rd Workshop on Digital Transformation of Education (DigiTransfEd 2024)
Pages 118-125
CountryUkraine, Europe

The article presents the preliminary results of the research conducted as part of the Erasmus+ project 101082858 CRED4TEACH “MOOC-based micro-credentials for teacher professional development”. Some contradictions of professional training of future educators are given. To overcome them it is advisable to implement micro-credentials. The design of the MOOC “Innovative Teaching: Essentials of Digital Creativity and Hybrid Learning” for teachers, tutors, lecturers, instructors, and students of pedagogical specialities is presented. The course is designed for 90 academic hours so students will receive 3 ECTS. It includes self-study of theoretical material, completion of practical tasks, and a final project. The aim, target auditory, lists of competencies and learning outcomes, structure of MOOC are presented in the article.

Keywords higher education · online · MOOC platform · teacher · digital transformation · digital learning environments

Published atLviv
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