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MOOCS Massive Open Online Courses
Gaebel, Michael

PublishedJanuary 2014
PeriodicalPages 1-35
PublisherEuropean University Association

Keywords Europe · higher education · learning ·  · MOOC · teaching

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Massive Open and Online Courses (MOOC) in an international perspective: New global agenda for innovation in higher education
Titlestad, Gard
This report is written based on a note provided by ICDE’s Secretary General Gard Titlestad to the Norwegian Government. It has been slightly modified to adapt it for an international audience and a working ...
Match: Europe; higher education; MOOC

Opportunities and threats of the MOOC movement for higher education: The European perspective
Schuwer, Robert; Jaurena, Ines Gil; Aydin, Cengiz Hakan; Costello, Eamon; et al.
The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) movement is the latest ‘big thing’ in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) which threatens to transform Higher Education. Both opportunities and threats are extensively discussed in ...
Match: Europe; MOOC

Health OER: Lessons from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
Donkor, Peter; Tagoe, Nadia
Information and communication technology (ICT) offers the opportunity to innovate on course content and teaching methods in order to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in tertiary education. One such ...
Match: higher education; learning; teaching

Integrating MOOCs in traditionally taught courses: Achieving learning outcomes with blended learning
Bralić, Antonia; Divjak, Blażenka
It has been several years since Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) have entered the higher education environment and many forms have emerged from this new way of acquiring knowledge. Teachers have been incorporating ...
Match: Europe; higher education; MOOC

An avalanche is coming: Higher education and the revolution ahead
Barber, Michael; Donnelly, Katelyn; Rizvi, Saad
This publication argues that the next 50 years could see a golden age for higher education, but only if all players seize the initiative and act ambitiously. If not, an avalanche of change will sweep the system ...
Match: Europe; higher education; MOOC

A strategic response to MOOCs: How one European university is approaching the challenge
Brown, Mark; Costello, Eamon; Donlon, Enda; Giolla-Mhichil, Mairead Nic; et al.
This paper briefly outlines some of the macro level claims, counter-claims and unresolved debates surrounding the rapid growth of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in Higher Education. It then reports insights, ...
Match: Europe; higher education;

On human terms – A first evaluation of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in ergonomics
Berglund, Martina; Osvalder, Anna-Lisa; Tartaglia, Riccardo; Albolino, Sara; et al.
The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) 'Work and Technology on Human Terms' ( was launched in July 2017 with the aim to contribute to safer and healthier workplaces by increasing the knowledge about ...
Match: Europe; higher education; MOOC

MOOCs as provisions in graduate education for future professional development
Jakobsdottir, Solveig; Bjarnason, Grimur; Gunnarsson, Kristinn H; Kristofersdottir, Dora D
In this study, we report the experiences of embedding MOOCs in a graduate course on distance education at the University of Iceland - School of Education 2014 and 2016. Students evaluated MOOCs and their participation. ...
Match: Europe; higher education; MOOC

Position papers for European cooperation on MOOCs
Cooperman, Larry; Dillenbourg, Pierre; van Valkenburg, Willem; Kos, Timo; et al.
An overview of position papers on the opportunities and characteristics for European cooperation as presented during the HOME conference in Porto November 2014 Based on an open call for position papers19 experts ...
Match: Europe; higher education; MOOC

The MOOC potential to address European challenges in CPD and continuous education
Pitt, Rebecca; Friedl, Christian; Jansen, Darco; Driha, Oana; et al.
Despite being a relatively new phenomenon, MOOCs have started to be employed not just within higher education systems, but also within a corporate context for recruiting and training of new employees, human resource ...
Match: Europe; MOOC