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Understanding open source for open education
Klein, Lindy · Abas, Zoraini Wati [secondary] · Jung, Insung [secondary] · Luca, JosephEditors [secondary]

SeriesProceedings of Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010
Pages 3601-3608

Open Education is a phrase used to refer to various types of education offerings. This paper examines the history of the New Age Open Education, providing information for individuals to learn more about, and become involved in, Open Source Education. Explanations of Open Source within a historical context are provided, as are examples of modern day Open Source activity in the education sector, including MIT Open Course Ware, Moodle, Sakai, the Cape Town Declaration on Open Education, Wiki Educator and Mahara. Educators are encouraged to overcome anxieties related to technology uptake, and to integrate Open Source underlying beliefs in their current course development – to the extent with which they are comfortable.

Keywords wiki · Mahara · MIT · Moodle · OER history · OpenCourseWare · Sakai Project · web 2.0 · WikiEducator

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