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Open educational resources for Brazilian system of open university: preliminary studies
Rodrigues, Rosangela Schwarz · Taga, Vitor · Vieira, Eleonora M F.

Type of workArticle
JournalPerspectivas Em Ciencia Da Informacao
Volume 16, Pages 181-207
PublisherEscola Ciencia Inform UFMG
CountryBrazil, South America

This research proposes the elaboration of a model of structure and metadata description for Open Educational Repositories. The methodology is exploratory and descriptive, uses a review and documentation focus for the analytical treatment of the data. The survey was conducted in two complementary situations: a) survey and analysis of the major metadata standards (MARC 21, Dublin Core, LOM / IEEE and ISO 19788-2), in order to define key field descriptors used for open Educational Repositories and b) identification of descriptors used by the Brazilian System of Open University. Through analysis of the standards and identification of field descriptors used in two scenarios: a) macro, characterized by the intra and extra-institutional Thematic and Institutional Repositories and b) micro, based on relationships between metadata descriptors of educational materials. There is interdependence between the macro and micro scenarios, and the need for use of standards and control mechanisms. The model proposes the use of controlled vocabularies for the largest possible number of fields, creating Thematic Editorial Boards, establishment of a dependency relationship between learning objects, courses, programs, authors and institutions, making the relationship and identification of the origin of the objects possible, thus allowing contextualization.

Keywords institutional repository · metadata · Open Educational Resources · Portuguese · thematic repository systems

Published atAntonio Carlos 6627, Pampulha, Belo Horizonte MG, 31270-901
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