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MOOCs are more social than you believe
Blom, Jan · Verma, Himanshu · Li, Nan · Skevi, Afroditi · Dillenbourg, Pierre

PublishedMay 2013
JournaleLearning Papers
Volume 33, Issue May 2013, Pages 1-3
EditorsKoskinen, Tapio and Mor, Yishay
CountrySwitzerland, Spain, Europe

We report about two ongoing studies, which challenge the individualistic model of MOOC based learning. MOOC usage is embedded in the context of collocated study groups.
The ability to pause a lecture and discuss its contents with peers creates learning opportunities. Learning by explaining has been proved effective through many empirical studies. We investigate the best way to configure these study groups with different tools.

Keywords collaborative learning · computer-based educational tools · MOOC · student technology experiences

Published atBarcelona
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