The African Virtual University's Open Education Resources (OER) Policy
African Virtual University [corporate] · Universite Virtuelle Africaine [corporate] · Universidade Virtual Africana [corporate]
Published | March 2011 |
Periodical | Pages 1-3 |
A description of the African Virtual University’s (AVU) Open Education Resources repository, OER@AVU, including: information related to licensing and file formats.Keywords | copyright · Open Educational Resources · policy · repository |
Language | English |
Rights | by-sa/3.0 |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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National Repository of Open Education for all Educational Resources: Connecting knowledge connecting people
Anubhuti, Yadav
The National Repository of Open Educational Resources (NROER) is an Indian school education initiative by the Central Institute of Educational technology ( CIET), National Council for Educational Research & ...
Match: resources; open educational resources
Open Educational Resources: Higher education students' knowledge and use
Alves, Paulo; Miranda, Luísa; Morais, Carlos
Information and communication technologies represent one of the main innovation factors within the teaching and learning process, especially in Higher Education. In this context, the search for building useful and ...
Match: resources; open educational resources
Alternate academy: Investigating the use of Open Educational Resources by students at the University of Lagos in Nigeria
Onaifo, Daniel; Quan-Haase, Anabel
Open educational resources (OER) are increasingly used to support pedagogical initiatives and learning needs at institutions of higher education across the globe. In this thesis, I examined key issues in the use of OER ...
Match: resources; open educational resources
Preliminary Report on the Draft Recommendation Concerning Open Educational Resources (OER)
1. This document is prepared further to 39C/Resolution 44 of the UNESCO General Conference, and a follow-up to ‘the Study on International Collaboration on Open Educational Resources (OER) (201 EX/Decision 9), which ...
Match: resources; open educational resources
Issues of preventive protection of copyright for electronic educational resources
Galinka, A.
Настоящая статья посвящена вопросам превентивной защиты авторских прав на произведения науки в форме электронных ...
Match: resources; copyright
Expanding approaches for understanding impact: integrating technology, curriculum, and open educational resources in science education.
Ye, Lei; Recker, Mimi; Walker, Andrew; Leary, Heather; Yuan, Min
This article reports results from a scale-up study of the impact of a software tool designed to support teachers in the digital learning era. This tool, the Curriculum Customization Service (CCS), enables teachers to ...
Match: resources; open educational resources
Two models for sharing digital open educational resources
Rennie, Frank; Reynolds, Patricia
Two contrasting models to facilitate the sharing of digital educational resources available for Higher Education are reviewed. The first model is based upon a low-input / open-access format that identifies, reviews then ...
Match: resources
A deeper understanding of reuse: Learning designs, activities, resources and their contexts
Wills, Sandra; Pegler, Chris
This paper positions discussion of learning designs in the broad context of reuse and repurpose. It proposes that not enough attention has been given to the purpose of reuse and the motivation of those who choose to ...
Match: resources; open educational resources
A look at the future of Open Educational Resources
Downes, Stephen
Open Educational Resources (OER) have been traditionally defined as educational contents that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and ...
Match: resources
Designing open educational resources curriculum for virtual mobility. Breaking the wall
Alchieri, Elena; Arbutavičius, Gintaras; Coelho, Dalila; Galati, Concetto Daniele; et al.
Due to the awareness of Open Educational Resources (OER) as one of the main opportunities for learners to take advantage of free resources, six doctoral students from Latvia, Lithuania, Italy, Portugal and Spain formed ...
Match: resources; open educational resources