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Principles and first insights from the sectoral consultation on building digital capacity in Irish higher education

Alternate titleBuilding Digital Capacity in Higher Education: Principles and first insights from the sectoral consultation – with preliminary recommendations and actionable first steps
PublishedMay 2014
PeriodicalPages 1-26
PublisherNational Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
CountryIreland, Europe

Outline of the document
This document presents initial insights from a sectoral consultation process (April–May 2014). This process has been informed by national and international research and by recent and current developments across the sector. It has sought inputs from academics, tutors, researchers, managers, librarians, technologists, students, leaders and policy makers, both in face-to-face sessions and through online contributions. The key perspectives of these stakeholders underpin much of what is discussed here and are included in more detail elsewhere in the document.

The document identifies a number of recommendations that have emerged from the consultation and also points to a set of immediate actions that can be initiated in order to use technology to modernise higher education in line with national and European ideals. The document highlights key tensions, paradoxes and challenges when it comes to developing digital capacity, and presents a set of values and principles that should underpin the building of digital capacity in higher education in Ireland.

Keywords DAE · Digital Agenda for Europ · highe education · national policy · OER frameworke · OER policy

Published atDublin
RefereedDoes not apply
Other informationDigital Roadmap – phase 1
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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