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Building Capacity in Developing Countries : OER for Food Safety
Heyboer, Gwyn · Kim, Sunnie · Bourquin, Leslie D. · Thiagarajan, Deepa

PublishedSeptember 2010
ConferenceUOC, OU, BYU
CountryIndia, Egypt, China

The Food Safety Knowledge Network (FSKN) was developed through the collaboration of Michigan State University and a professional network of international food industry retailers and manufacturers. The key objective of the FSKN project is to provide technical resources, in a cost effective way, in order to promote food safety in developing countries and for small and less developed companies. FSKN uses a competency based model including a framework, OERs, and assessments. These tools are being used to support face-to-face training, fully online training, and to gauge the learning outcomes of a series of pilot groups which were held in India, Egypt, and China.

Keywords competency framework · online training · Open Educational Resources · safety

Published atBarcelona
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