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Higher Education learn Chemistry: RSC recommends OER
Onions, Rosalind and McLoughlin, Elizabeth

PublishedDecember 2013
Type of workNottingham OER 2013 (Special Issue)
JournalJournal of Interactive Media in Education
Volume 2013, Issue 3, Pages 22
PublisherUbiquity Press Ltd.

In response to the ever expanding selection of Open Education Resources available to the public, and the varying quality and reliability of these resources, the Royal Society of Chemistry, as a professional body, recognised an opportunity, with funding from the Higher Education Academy and JISC, to play a key role in sourcing and disseminating good quality resources. This paper describes how a peer review quality checking process was designed and implemented and what challenges were faced throughout this process. This ground-breaking step to incorporate non-RSC resources created a precedent for further developments, and this paper also explores the immediate and future impact this process has and will have on the RSC as an organisation and the external users of the resources.

Keywords Chemistry · higher education · OER

Other informationJIME
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