Creating a map for OER initiatives in Latin America
Published | 2014 |
Conference | LACLO 2014 |
Country | Brazil, Colombia, South America |
In this article we discuss the creation of a federated mapping system focused on OER for basic education in Latin America. We present the rationale and implications of the project, software development, and focus on detailing the creation of a metadata scheme used to categorize OER-related initiatives.Keywords | mapping · metadata · OER · open data · REA |
Published at | Manizales |
Language | English |
ISBN | 1982 - 1611 |
Refereed | Yes |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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Final report on the MIRA project: OER global map prototype
Amiel, Tel; Ochoac, Xavier; Soares, Tiago
In this article we discuss the creation of a federated mapping system focused on OER for basic education in Latin America. We present the rationale and implications of the project, software development, and focus on ...
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Creating and sharing Open Educational Resources
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Open metadata for open educational resources in an open infrastructure
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Towards a world tour for shared OER
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OER use in the Global South: A baseline survey of higher education instructors
de Oliveira Neto, José Dutra; Pete, Judith; Daryono; Cartmill, Tess
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Open educational resources (OER): models for adaptation and localization
Amiel, Tel; Orey, Michael; West, Richard
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Professional development guidelines for OER: A case study of Brazilian fundamental education public school teachers
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The complexity of open education: The case of Brazil
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Looking at OER with a critical eye: Strengthening OER initiatives by focusing on student learning
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