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Learner use of Online Educational Resources for learning (LUOERL) – Final report
Bacsich, Paul · Phillips, Barry · Bristow, Sara Frank

PublishedJune 2011
PeriodicalPages 1-134
PublisherJoint Information Systems Committee

The consultant was asked to undertake a literature review to provide a greater understanding of the ways in which learners, whether or not in formal education, use online resources to aid their learning experiences and the factors which influence the selection of resources.

Keywords learning experiences · resource use · online resources · learners · OER

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Adult education and open educational resources
Szalma, Eva; Creelman, Alistair; Bacsich, Paul; Pepler, Giles; et al.
This study reviews the current use of Open Educational Resources in Adult Education, assesses its potential and makes recommendations for policy interventions, taking account of the European Commission’s policy ...
Match: Bacsich, Paul; Bristow, Sara Frank

Cross-border content: Investigation into sharing curricula across borders and its opportunities for Open Education Resources
Pepler, Giles; Bristow, Sara Frank; Bacsich, Paul; Jeans, Nick; Vuorikari, Riina
The aim of this study was to make an inventory of the existing cases in formal education (school sector, vocational education and higher education) where a curriculum or syllabus is shared across borders (e.g. state, ...
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Open Data as Open Educational Resources: Case studies of emerging practice
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Open Data as Open Educational Resources: Case studies of emerging practice is the outcome of a collective effort that has its origins in the 5th Open Knowledge Open Education Working Group call, in which the idea of ...
Match: Bacsich, Paul; OER

Towards a world tour for shared OER
Jeans, Nick; Pepler, Giles; Bacsich, Paul
This report (a PDF file) is the first deliverable (out of three) of the study called A scoping study on the potential of shared, cross-border OER and syllabi in Europe - in short, SharedOER - that was carried out by ...
Match: Bacsich, Paul

The Common Core State Standards Initiative and its impact on OER
Bristow, Sara Frank
This case study, Deliverable 2 of SharedOER, examines the recent development of Open Educational Resources (OER) and syllabi within the context of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in the United States. It analyses ...
Match: Bristow, Sara Frank

Summary of week one (12-18 November 2012): What could an OER world map look like?
Bristow, Sara Frank
This document provides an overview of key points addressed during week one of the Athabasca-based OER-mapping discussion ( Topics include: 1. Issue one: Why map ...
Match: Bristow, Sara Frank

Summary of week two (19-24 November 2012): Could a world map be built collaboratively?
Bristow, Sara Frank
This document provides an overview of key points addressed during week two of the Athabasca University-supported OER-mapping discussion (, building on the ...
Match: Bristow, Sara Frank

A world map of Open Educational Resources initiatives: Can the global OER community design and build it together? References provided by participants in an international conversation: 12-30 November 2012
Bristow, Sara Frank
References include links gathered under these headings: 1) History and background 2) Sample geographical maps 3) Data visualisation: Ideas and issues 4) OER initiatives and organisations 5) Towards an ...
Match: Bristow, Sara Frank

OER: Opening doors and breaching boundaries
Pegler, Chris
The white paper on higher education (BIS, 2011) refers to the government’s social mobility strategy, Opening doors, breaking barriers (HM Government, 2011). The expressed aspirations of the OER (open educational ...
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Harnessing Open Educational Resources to the challenges of teacher education in Sub-Saharan Africa
Thakrar, Jayshree; Wolfenden, Freda; Zinn, Denise
The challenges to teacher educators in sub-Saharan Africa are acute. This paper describes how the Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) consortium is working within institutional and national policy systems to ...
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