Two models for sharing digital open educational resources
Published | 2014 |
Journal | Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice Volume 2, Issue 2, Pages 17 |
Country | United Kingdom, Europe |
Two contrasting models to facilitate the sharing of digital educational resources available for Higher Education are reviewed. The first model is based upon a low-input / open-access format that identifies, reviews then integrates digital resources taken from the global open educational resources pool into a course structure. New resources are added where required and the totality is contextualised for the specific current curriculum requirements. The second model is based upon a membership system linking global schools in any subject but trialled in dentistry to create, structure and curate a common pool of digital educational resources. The models selected have their roots in common initial goals but have chosen different routes to structure and fund their development in their search for sustainability. The models are contrasted and compared in terms of ease of use and contextualisation, and some general lessons for further OER development are drawn.ISSN | 2051-9788 |
Rights | Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC BY 2.0) |
DOI | 10.14297/jpaap.v2i2.108 |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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