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Education, technology and connectedness: Global societal trends to 2030: Thematic report 2
Horvath, Veronika · Ghez, Jeremy · Khodyakov, Dmitry · Yaqub, Ohid

PeriodicalPages 1-61
PublisherRAND Corporation

This Research Report forms part of our series on global societal trends and their impact on the EU in 2030. This analysis is embedded within the framework of the European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS) set up to develop a lasting framework to assess global trends and to develop policy responses across EU institutions over the next institutional cycle (2014–2019). The first phase of the project assessed the long-term, international, domestic, economic and political trends facing the European Union over the next two decades; the second phase of the project split trends into three streams, namely the economy, governance and power, and society. RAND Europe's assessment of likely global societal trends constituted 'Trend Report 2 — Society' for this second phase.

This report presents the evidence base, uncertainties and potential trajectories surrounding trends in one of the six major themes which form part of Trend Report 2 — Society, namely education, technology and connectedness. It analyses how the spread of technology and its relationship to education will transform the education and power of citizens, forming a significant societal challenge for the EU in the coming decades. These changes stem from technological progress and the adoption of new technologies by businesses and citizens, and the potential for growing connectedness, although these changes may not offset inequalities and fragmentation. At the same time, alternative forms of education may enhance access to education and outcomes, while e-government has the potential to empower citizens through online engagement.

Keywords education policy · European Strategy and Policy Analysis System · forecasting methodology · politics and government

Published atSanta Monica, California
RefereedDoes not apply
Rights© Copyright 2015 RAND Corporation
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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