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Districts Put Open Educational Resources to Work; Two school systems weigh impact of efforts
Cavanagh, Sean

JournalEducation Week
PublisherEditorial Projects in Education

A growing number of educators and policymakers are being drawn to open educational resources, convinced that the free, malleable, and shareable academic content offers advantages that traditional commercial materials cannot [...]

Keywords cost · Open Educational Resources · policy · school districts

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'Open Educational Resources' promoted in U.S. senate proposal
Davis, Michelle R.; Cavanagh, Sean
Federal lawmakers want to encourage schools to consider using free, modifiable learning resources for students before investing in costly textbooks and curricula. A move in the U.S. Senate to promote ...
Match: Cavanagh, Sean; Open Educational Resources

Suitable economic models for Open Educational Resources initiative in aquaculture higher education
Pounds, Alexandra; Bostock, John
Many initiatives are developing Open Educational Resources (OERs) in a variety of sectors because they have the potential to increase access to education and knowledge. Investment is a limiting factor for many of these ...
Match: cost; Open Educational Resources

User-generated content’s impact on the sustainability of Open Educational Resources
Ganapathi, Janani
Sustainability is a fundamental requirement to ensure long-term viability of open educational resource (OER) initiatives. To afford technology upgrades and author costs, most of the existing initiatives are heavily ...
Match: cost; Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources
Marcus-Quinn, Ann; Diggins, Yvonne
This paper focuses on the significant developments in the area of open education, in particular the role that Open Educational Repositories (OER) can play in higher education, teaching, learning and scholarship. The ...
Match: Open Educational Resources; policy

Federal leaders push for open license educational resources
Lestch, Corinne
Obama administration officials pushed for more online educational content to be licensed for free and made available to the public at an event Wednesday at the New America Foundation.
Match: Open Educational Resources; policy

Open educational resources and the Belt and Road initiative
Chang, Ting-Wen; Tlili, Ahmed; Yang, Junfeng; Huang, Ronghuai
With the rapid advance of technologies, new ways of learning have emerged. One of these ways is open learning using Open Educational Resources (OERs). Several researchers have then reported several advantages of using ...
Match: policy

A preliminary examination of the cost savings and learning impacts of using open textbooks in middle and high school science classes
Wiley, David A.; Hilton, John; Ellington, Shelley; Hall, Tiffany; et al.
Proponents of open educational resources claim that significant cost savings are possible when open textbooks displace traditional textbooks in the classroom. Over a period of two years, we worked with 20 middle and ...
Match: cost; Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources and collaborative content development: A practical guide for state and school leaders
Patrick, Susan; Bliss, TJ; Tonks, DeLaina
Open Educational Resources and Collaborative Content Development: A Practical Guide for State and School Leaders – written by TJ Bliss, Ph.D. of the Idaho State Department of Education, DeLaina Tonks of the Mountain ...
Match: Open Educational Resources; policy

Education Department announces new open educational resources hire, college website
Lestch, Corinne
Andrew Marcinek was hired by the Office of Educational Technology to work on connecting K-12 and higher ed schools to openly licensed educational resources.
Match: Open Educational Resources; policy

Open Ed. Resources secure a spot in the Every Student Succeeds Act
Cavanagh, Sean
Match: Cavanagh, Sean