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Open Educational Resources
Marcus-Quinn, Ann and Diggins, Yvonne

PublishedOctober 2013
Type of work3rd World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership
JournalProcedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
Volume 93, Issue October 2013, Pages 243 - 246
CountryIreland, Europe

This paper focuses on the significant developments in the area of open education, in particular the role that Open Educational Repositories (OER) can play in higher education, teaching, learning and scholarship. The National Digital Learning Resources service (NDLR) in Ireland is presented as a case study of a best practice model for such an OER service.

Keywords higher education · NDLR · open educational repositories · policy

Other informationProcedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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