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Analysis of 450 MOOC-based microcredentials reveals many options but little consistency
Pickard, Laurie

Published18 July 2018
PublisherClass Central
CountryUnited States, North America

One trend Class Central has been keeping tabs on in the MOOC and online learning space is the rise of microcredentials. A microcredential is any one of a number of new certifications that covers more than a single course but is less than a full degree. The edX platform was the first to launch a microcredential, the XSeries, in 2013. Udacity and Coursera followed in 2014 with the Nanodegree and the Specialization, respectively. Every MOOC platform now offers at least one type of microcredential, and some platforms offer as many as three different types. This analysis covers 11 types of microcredentials offered by five MOOC platforms.

Keywords business models · microcredentials · MOOC

RefereedDoes not apply
Rights©Class Central 2011-2017
Access date2018
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