The range of B.C. research on open
Published | 21 February 2019 |
Publisher | BCcampus |
Country | Canada, North America |
B.C. research on open can be clustered around several themes: open textbooks, open education practices (OEP) including open development, open education resources, open strategy, the broader open landscape, and open scholarship. Most of the research in B.C. has been co-authored, suggesting that there is good collaboration on research projects.Keywords | OEP · OER · open scholarship · open software · open strategy · open textbooks |
Refereed | Does not apply |
Rights | Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) |
URL | |
Access date | 22 February 2019 |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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Guidelines on Open Access to scientific publications and research data in Horizon 2020
The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
The European Commission recently announced the guidelines on open access to scientific publications and research data. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide context and explanation for the rules on open access ...
Match: research
Tracking online and distance education in Canadian universities and colleges: 2018 Canadian national survey of online and distance education public report
Canadian Digital Learning Research Association
Executive Summary
The first comprehensive survey of online and distance learning in Canadian public post-secondary institutions, covering all types of institution and every province and territory, was conducted in ...
Match: oep; oer; open textbooks; canada; north america
HowOpenIsIt? Guide to research funder policies
Open Research Funders Group; SPARC
A growing number of organizations are committing to the open sharing of research outputs. This guide is intended to help research funders develop open policies that advance their organizational values. A well-rounded ...
Match: research
Open science by design: Realizing a vision for 21st century research
Committee on Toward an Open Science Enterprise; Board on Research Data and Information; Policy and Global Affairs; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Openness and sharing of information are fundamental to the progress of science and to the effective functioning of the research enterprise. The advent of scientific journals in the 17th century helped power the ...
Match: research; north america
Review of distance education research (2000 to 2008): Analysis of research areas, methods, and authorship patterns
Zawacki-Richter, Olaf; Baecker, Eva; Vogt, Sebastian; McGreal, Rory; Conrad, Dianne
This paper presents a review of distance education literature to describe the status thereof and to identify gaps and priority areas in distance education research based on a validated classification of research areas. ...
Match: research
Enabling access to and re-use of publicly funded research data as Open Educational Resources: A strategy for overcoming the legal barriers to data access and re-use
Fitzgerald, Anne; Hashim, Haswira Nor Mohamad
Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning and research materials that have been released under an open licence that permits online access and re- use by others. The 2012 Paris OER Declaration encourages ...
Match: research; oer
OER impact study: Research report
Masterman, Liz; Wild, Joanna
Executive Summary (partial)
The OER Impact Study was conducted between November 2010 and June 2011 by a team from the University of Oxford. Its remit was to investigate university lecturers’ and students’ use ...
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Where is research on massive open online courses headed? A data analysis of the MOOC Research Initiative
Gasevic, Dragan; Kovanovic, Vitomir; Joksimovic, Srecko; Siemens, George; et al.
This paper reports on the results of an analysis of the research proposals submitted to the MOOC Research Initiative (MRI) funded by the Gates Foundation and administered by Athabasca University. The goal of MRI was to ...
Match: research
Open textbooks make education more accessible and affordable
Beattie, Erin
The Province is providing BCcampus with $250,000 for the creation, modification, distribution, and evaluation of textbooks for the British Columbia adult graduation diploma (or adult dogwood diploma). Courses covered ...
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BCcampus celebrates B.C. Open Textbook’s 5th anniversary
Beattie, Erin
It was in 2012, at the annual Open Education conference that we announced the creation of the B.C. Open Textbook Collection. Five years later, we have just returned from this year’s Open Education conference in ...
Match: beattie, erin; open textbooks; canada; north america