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OER and OEP for access, equity, equality, quality, inclusiveness, and empowering lifelong learning
Ossiannilsson, Ebba

PublishedJune 2019
JournalThe International Journal of Open Educational Resources
Volume 1, Issue 2, Pages 1-25
CountryNorway, Europe

Open educational resources (OERs) are catalysts of lifelong learning (LLL) and continuous professional development (CPD). OERs are used in microlearning and nanolearning by lifelong learners, including those in the workplace. OERs have the potential to expand the access to lifelong learning opportunities, achieve quality in education, and establish legal and political frameworks that promote, social justice, collaboration and coordinated partnerships. The mandate, visions, missions, global work, and activities of the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) and its Open Educational Resources (OERs) Advocacy Committee (OERAC) were presented at a symposium during the ICDE Lillehammer Lifelong Learning Summit 2019. The work of the ICDE and the OERAC is aligned with the United Nations UNESCO Recommendations (2019). Some of their activities involve collaborative projects and visions that were proposed at the Open Education Leadership Summit 2018 (OELS18). In particular, the ICDE and OERAC will respond to proposals regarding policy. Their responses will identify opportunities for developing some proposed projects and activities and for establishing links with existing and emerging projects and trends around the world. Another activity involves developing guidelines for advocacy and best or better practices for OER advocacy in various settings and levels (e.g., macro, meso, micro, and nano levels).

Keywords continuing professional development (CPD) · human resources (HR) · International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) · leadership · Lifelong Learning · open educational resources (oers)

RightsAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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