Open Innovation Framework: Emerging Narratives from the ICDE OER Advocacy Committee
ICDE OER Advocacy Committee [corporate] · Ossiannilsson, Ebba · Gomes de Gusmão, Cristine Martina · Ulloa-Cazarez, Rosa Leonor · Agbu, Jane-Frances Obiageli
Published | March 2022 |
Periodical | Pages 26 |
Publisher | International Council for Open and Distance Education |
Country | Norway, Europe |
Open education is an umbrella term under which various notions of open education can be accommodated.This paper addresses open educational resources, open science, and open innovation. A proposed framework for Open Innovation is suggested. In summary, the main points and suggested applications are:
1. review the mission and policies of higher education institutions as well as education professionals (researchers, professors), align them with the recommendations of the 2030 Agenda, and design the application of open innovation, Open Science, and open educational resources, considering institutional priorities and requirements.
2. collaborate in a task force to promote and identify partnerships and promote digital curation when possible.
3. design and develop professional training to support education professionals (managers, researchers, teachers) as a baseline and intermediate reference model for Open Innovation, Open Science, and Open Educational Resources based on global experience.
Keywords | open access · open education · open innovation · open science · OER · UNESCO |
Language | English |
ISBN | 978-82-93172-50-5 |
Rights | CC BY |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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