Educational contents in virtual learning
Published | 2009 |
Type of work | Article |
Journal | Investigacion Bibliotecologica Volume 23, Issue 47, Pages 15-44 |
Publisher | Univ Nacional Autonoma Mexico |
Country | Mexico, North America |
The development of educational content oriented towards virtual learning has generated an important movement that has brought about some proposals and initiatives which seek to influence those contents. This paper deals with themes related with open digital educational resources; some modalities of such educational contents, and with organization and the use of this kind of contents in virtual education. These educational and research matters are of great interest to institutions like UNESCO, OECD, and other higher education organizations which consider these as priority areas for attaining more equalitarian societies about education.Keywords | distance education · higher education · Open Educational Resources |
Published at | Mexico City, mexico |
Language | en |
ISSN | 0187-358X |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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