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Ad hoc expert seminar on 'Open Education' Brussels - 13 July 2012 summary record
European Commission's Directorate General for Education and Culture [corporate]

PublishedJuly 2012
ConferenceEuropean Commission: Directorate General Education and Culture Lifelong learning:Horizontal policy issues and 2020 strategy Skills and Qualifications
Pages 1-5
CountryBelgium, Europe

The European Commission's Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC),in cooperation with other Commission services, is currently developing a new EU Initiative on 'Open Education' aiming to promote the use of open educational resources
and ICT in education. The initiative will be announced next autumn 2012 in a Commission Communication on ‘Rethinking Skills’ and fully launched by mid-2013. In the meantime, DG EAC intends to launch a public consultation and carry out an Impact Assessment.
The aim of the meeting is to gather high level experts in the field of OER and ICT & education to have a first exchange of views on the Commission's initial plans for "Open Education". Experts were also invited to identify areas where an EU intervention could bring the highest value added. The exchange was stimulated by a concept paper prepared by the Commission services and sent to participants ahead of the meeting.
This is a summary of this meeting including possible EU future actions.

Keywords business models · CAREER · EU · European OER policy · OER policy · OER quality · pedagogy

Published atBrussels
RefereedDoes not apply
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