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Alexander the MOOC lands
Rogers, Guy M.

PublishedMay 2014
PeriodicalEdition May 28, 2014 - 6:40am, Volume 2014, Pages Higher Ed Beta: MOOCs and beyond
PublisherInside Higher Ed
CountryUnited States, North America

Almost four months ago my EdX/WellesleyX course, “Was Alexander Great?” was launched to test three questions about online education: whether a Massive Open Online Course could be as intellectually rigorous as a brick and mortar history course; whether a MOOC could serve as a portal for both teaching and historical research; and whether an online course could engage and inspire students. The data are in and the answer to all three questions is an emphatic yes.

Keywords edX · higher education · MOOC · MOOC completion rate · WellesleyX

Other numberMay 30, 2014
RefereedDoes not apply
RightsCopyright © 2014 Guy MacLean Rogers
Access dateMay 30, 2014
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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HarvardX and MITx: Two years of open online courses Fall 2012-Summer 2014
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Lecture, Open University of Tanzania, 6 August 2013, Presented by Professor Asha Kanwar, Commonwealth of Learning // It is a pleasure and an honour to be at the Open University of Tanzania, which has always been a ...
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Old wine in new bottles? Exploring MOOCs
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