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SURF Magazine 01 (March 2010)
Marchal, Marjolein · Riksen, Daphne · Vet, Martijn

PublishedMarch 2010
JournalJoint SURF Organisation
Edition March/2010, Issue 1, Pages 1-9
PublisherSURFfoundation, SURFNET, SURFdiensten

In this edition of SURF Magazine you will read about video conferencing, open educational resources and online collaboration.

Table of contents of SURF Magazine 01 (March 2010):
* Virtual lecture halls mean no need to travel
* Open educational resources: A 'Wikiwijs' for Dutch higher education
* Google Wave: A promising approach to online collaboration?

Keywords OERs · SURF · SURF magazine · Video conferencing

RefereedDoes not apply
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