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In Germany, OER remains largely a grass-roots phenomenon, but policy interest is rising
Orr, Dominic

PublishedNovember 2014
Type of workNewsletter
PeriodicalVolume 2014, Pages 6th November, 2014
PublisherOpen Education Consortium: The Global Network for Open Education
CountryGermany, Europe

Other numberNovember 19, 2014
RefereedDoes not apply
Access dateNovember 19, 2014
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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Europe regional consultation for the 2nd World OER Congress
Grech, Alex; Kanwar, Asha S.; Banerjee, Indrajit; Makovec, Maja Brenčič; et al.
The Commonwealth of Learning is holding six Regional Consultations in the lead up to the 2nd World Open Educational Resources (OER) Congress, which is scheduled to be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 18 to 20 September ...
Match: Orr, Dominic; Europe

Approaches to Monitor and Evaluate OER Policies in Higher Education - Tracing Developments in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
Neumann, Jan; Schön, Sandra; Bedenlier, Svenja; Ebner, Martin; et al.
The 2019 UNESCO recommendation on Open Educational Resources (OER) encourages member states to monitor policies and mechanisms in OER across the world. In higher education, there are many initiatives and policies around ...
Match: Orr, Dominic; Germany; Europe

Open Educational Resources in Poland: Challenges and opportunities
Śliwowski, Kamil; Grodecka, Karolina
New country report on Open Educational Resources in Poland has been published by the Institute of Information Technologies in Education UNESCO (IITE). „Open Educational Resources in Poland: Challenges and ...
Match: government policy; open textbooks; Europe

OER indicators for national adoption and impact
Orr, Dominic; Janssen, Ben; Mulder, Fred
Defining a set of indicators to measure OER adoption and impact. (5 minutes) Welcome by the chair Fengchun Miao (10 minutes) Presentation of OER Indicators Report 2.0 by Lisa Petrides and Cynthia Jimes (10 minutes) ...
Match: Orr, Dominic; Europe

Open, online, flexible, technology-enhanced… and sustainable? Understanding new business models for distance and blended learning
Farrow, Robert; Orr, Dominic; Weller, Martin; Ubachs, George; Konings, Lizzie
Do open, online, flexible and technology-enhanced (OOFAT) approaches to education result in sustainable and innovative business models? This is the focus of the OOFAT Models project funded by ICDE and conducted by ...
Match: Orr, Dominic; Europe

Open Education: Auf dem Weg zu einer offenen Hochschulbildung
Deimann, Markus
»Open Education«, also das bildungspolitische Ziel, Bildung frei verfügbar zu machen, ist Gegenstand eines lebendigen Diskurses. Markus Deimann gibt einen systematischen Überblick zum Thema »Offene Bildung/Open ...
Match: Germany; Europe

Role and importance of institutional OER policy
Mays, Tony
This presentation was given by Tony Mays at the Open University of Tanzania in 2016.
Match: government policy; OER policy

Open Educational Resources (OER)
Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and repurposing ...
Match: government policy; OER policy

Making sense of MOOCs: A guide for policy-makers in developing countries
Patru, Mariana; Balaji, Venkataraman
The Guide is designed to raise general awareness amongst policy makers in developing countries as to how Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) might address their concerns and priorities, particularly in terms of access ...
Match: government policy; OER policy

Case studies on OER-based eLearning
Karunanayaka, Shironica; Mythili, G.; Prasad, S K.; Menon, Mohan B.; et al.
Case Studies: 1. Open University of Sri Lanka Integrating OER in a Teacher Education Course by Shironica Karunanayaka 2. Indira Gandhi National Open University OER-based Post Graduate Diploma in e-Learning by G. ...
Match: government policy; OER policy