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Publishing support
Ryan, Brendan

SeriesOptimizing Academic Library Services in the Digital Milieu: Digital Devices and their Emerging Trends
Chapter 9, Pages 137 - 163
PublisherChandos Digital Information Review, Elsevier

Digital textbooks are amazing educational tools. What resources can librarians enlist to help make them? What are the rights considerations associated with them? The projects developed by Creative Commons, OER Commons, and Rice University in conjunction with many others, such as OpenStax and Connexions, provide educators with the means to make high-quality free digital textbooks. Librarians can play a vital role in relation to digital textbooks in academia.

Keywords academic publishing · aggregation · connexions · digital commons · digital textbooks · Flat World Knowledge · OER Commons · Open Educational Resources · OpenStax · PressBooks

RefereedDoes not apply
RightsCopyright © 2013 B. Ryan. All rights reserved.
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Images and the open educational resources (OER) movement
Perez, Jorge Enrique
With the growing interest in faculty publication in Open Educational Resources (OER), librarians have not only been tasked in becoming well versed in locating OER materials for instructors but also assisting with ...
Match: publishing; Open Educational Resources

Not all rubrics are equal: A review of rubrics for evaluating the quality of Open Educational Resources
Yuan, Min; Recker, Mimi; McGreal, Rory; Conrad, Dianne
The rapid growth in Internet technologies has led to a proliferation in the number of Open Educational Resources (OER), making the evaluation of OER quality a pressing need. In response, a number of rubrics have been ...
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Reaching the heart of the university: Libraries and the future of OER
Kleymeer, Pieter; Kleinman, Molly; Hanss, Ted
University libraries are well positioned to run or support OER production and publication operations. Many university libraries already have the technical, service, and policy infrastructure in place that would provide ...
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Opening the textbook: New opportunities for libraries and publishers?
Maron, Nancy L.
What solutions might we find within our community to solve the problem of rising textbook prices? In our latest issue brief, Nancy Maron, Ithaka S+R’s Program Director for Sustainability and Scholarly Communications, ...
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Open educational resources: Inquiring into author use and reuse
Petrides, Lisa; Nguyen, Lilly; Jimes, Cynthia; Karaglani, Anastasia
For teachers and learners, the proliferation of Open Educational Resources (OER) in combination with advances in information technologies has meant centralised access to materials and the possibility of creating, using, ...
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Analysis of existing technological platforms for the collaborative production of Open Textbooks
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The production of high-quality open textbooks requires the collaboration of different contributors. This work conducts a comparative analysis of the six different collaborative platforms for the production of books. To ...
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Open textbook proof-of-concept via Connexions
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To address the high cost of textbooks, Rice University's Connexions and the Community College Open Textbook Project (CCOTP) collaborated to develop a proof-of-concept free and open textbook. The proof-of-concept served ...
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A preliminary examination of the cost savings and learning impacts of using open textbooks in middle and high school science classes
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Proponents of open educational resources claim that significant cost savings are possible when open textbooks displace traditional textbooks in the classroom. Over a period of two years, we worked with 20 middle and ...
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Open-access textbooks and financial sustainability: A case study on flat world knowledge
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Many college students and their families are concerned about the high costs of textbooks. A company called Flat World Knowledge both gives away and sells open-source textbooks in a way it believes to be financially ...
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Examining the reuse of open textbooks
Hilton, John Levi; Wiley, David A.; Lutz, Neil
An important element of open educational resources (OER) is the permission to use the materials in new ways, including revising and remixing them. Prior research has shown that the revision and remix rates for OER are ...
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