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OER Commons
Gallaway, Teri Oaks

PublishedApril 2016
Type of workResearch Article
JournalThe Charleston Advisor
Volume 17, Issue 4, Pages 35 - 38
PublisherThe Charleston Company

One of the greatest barriers to adoption of Open Access educational resources (OERs) is the challenge of finding appropriate resources for discrete instructional needs. OER Commons has risen to the top as one of most developed search and discovery tools for locating K-12 and post-secondary OERs to assist with this challenge. Resources span the gamut of types, from educational games to lesson plans to full courses. The Web site provides a sophisticated advanced search to locate these OERs, a publishing tool for the creation of new resources, and account features to curate sets of OERs for sharing.

Keywords K-12 · OER · publishing tools

Rights© 2007 - 2017 Copyright The Charleston Advisor
Other informationcharleston adv
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