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Open educational repository in support of computer science
Hagan, Stephen and McCaffrey, Sharon

PublishedApril 2010
PeriodicalPages 1-31
PublisherJoint Information Systems Committee

This project made available Open Educational course resources kernel to Computer Science which can be deployed across the spectrum of computer-related programmes, including new and emerging disciplines

Keywords OER projects · information technology · dissemination · case study

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OER recommender: linking nsdl pathways and opencourseware repositories
Duffin, Joel; Muramatsu, Brandon; Larsen, Ronald; Paepcke, Andreas; et al.
The OER Recommender ( is a web service that helps people find relevant open educational resources. It links the digital learning resources in the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) ...
Match: repository; OER projects

Open Educational Resources in Brazil: State-of-the-art, challenges and prospects for development and innovation
dos Santos, Andreia Inamorato
The book “Open Educational Resources in Brazil: State-of-the-Art, Challenges and Prospects for Development and Innovation”(author – Andreia Inamorato dos Santos) has been out of print. This is the second IITE ...
Match: repository; OER projects

Open Educational Resources – Opportunities and challenges for higher education
Yuan, Li; MacNeill, Sheila; Kraan, Wilbert
This briefing paper [looks] at the latest developments and trends in Open Educational Resources (OER) initiatives worldwide and serves as a quick introduction to funding bodies, institutions and educators who are ...
Match: repository; OER projects

When the mummy is digital: preservation and dissemination
Minguillón Alfonso, Julià
Most educational institutions include nowadays a digital repository as part of their development and positioning strategy. The main goals of a digital repository are preservation and dissemination, which are some how ...
Match: repository; dissemination

Pedagogical framing of OER - The case of language teaching
Bradley, Linda; Vigmo, Sylvi
This study investigates what characterises teachers’ pedagogical design of OER, and potential affordances and constraints in pedagogical design in an open education practice, when contributing to a Swedish repository ...
Match: repository; case study

Opening education
Smith, Marshall S.
Spurred by the publication of Massachusetts Institute of Technology OpenCourseWare in 2002, the open educational resources (OER) movement, which has rapidly expanded and captured the imagination and energy of millions ...
Match: information technology; dissemination

A practice-oriented review of learning objects
Sinclair, Jane; Joy, Mike; Yin-Kim Yau, Jane; Hagan, Stephen
Reusable learning objects support packaging of educational materials allowing their discovery and reuse. Open educational resources emphasize the need for open licensing and promote sharing and community involvement. ...
Match: Hagan, Stephen

The promise of open access textbooks: A model for success
Henderson, Susie; Nelson, David
Can open textbooks provide a viable solution to the high cost of textbooks? Are open textbooks quality books? What will encourage faculty to develop or adopt open textbooks? What is a book? How do students prefer to ...
Match: repository; case study

Open Educational Resources: New possibilities for change and sustainability
Friesen, Norm
In an attempt to understand the potential of OER for change and sustainability, this paper presents the results of an informal survey of active and inactive collections of online educational resources, emphasizing data ...
Match: OER projects; case study

Implications of the Delphi method in the evaluation of sustainability open education resource repositories
Wang, Xiaochen; Chen, Tingting; Zhang, Yihan; Yang, Harrison Hao
To better understand the sustainable development of open educational resources (OER), this paper aimed to break through the original ‘fixed’, highly structured evaluation system and develop an open and flexible ...
Match: repository