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Perceived resources and technology acceptance model (PRATAM): Students' acceptance of e-Learning in Mathematics
Tarmuji, Nor Habibah · Ahmad, Salimah · Abdullah, Nur Hidayah Masni · Nassir, Asyura Abd · Idris, Aminatul Solehah

PublishedJuly 2018
ConferenceProceedings of the Regional Conference on Science, Technology and Social Sciences (RCSTSS 2016)
Pages 135-144
PublisherSpringer Singapore
EditorsMohamad Noor, Mohd Yusri · Ahmad, Badli Esham · Ismail, Mohd Rozaidi · Abdullah Baharum, Mohd Amli · Hashim, Hasnizawati
CountryMalaysia, Asia

The methods of teaching in class are also affected with the rise of technology used in education. The lecturer or instructor may want to use innovative ways of teaching to capture the students' attention and to make the learning process become more enjoyable and effective. Therefore, this study was carried out with the objective to identify the factors that influence students' behaviour of adopting e-learning especially in the subject of mathematics based on Perceived Resources and Technology Acceptance Model (PRATAM). The technology used includes Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and Learning Management System (LMS). Questionnaires were used to collect data from one hundred and nine precalculus students. Quantitative data were analyzed using structural equation modelling (SEM). Perceived resource has a positive direct effect on perceived ease of use, behavioural intention to use, attitude towards using and behavioural intention to use. Perceived ease of use will have a positive direct effect on perceived usefulness; attitude will have a positive direct effect on behavioural intention to use which will have positive direct effect on actual system use. Perceived resource is the most significant factor for students' acceptance of e-learning in mathematics.

Keywords blended learning · eLearning · Mathematics · MOOC · PRATAM

Published atSingapore
Rights© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019
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