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5 Things You Should Know About the OER University Network Plan
Open Education Resource Foundation [corporate]

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AM-OER: An agile method for the development of open educational resources
Arimoto, Maurício M.; Barroca, Leonor; Barbosa, Ellen F.; Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of São Paulo; et al.
Open Educational Resources have emerged as important elements of education in the contemporary society, promoting life-long and personalized learning that transcends social, economic and geographical barriers. To ...
Match: open educational resources

WikiEducator: Visualising open education futures
Mackintosh, Wayne
A presentation about the Open Education Resource (OER) Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation that provides leadership, networking and support for educators and educational institutions to achieve their objectives ...
Match: education; literacy; oer definition; open educational resources; policy; web 2.0; wiki

OERu Open Educational Resource University - Towards a logic model and plan for action
Day, Robin; Ker, Phil; Mackintosh, Wayne; McGreal, Rory; et al.
Match: university; policy

The African Virtual University's Open Education Resources (OER) Policy
African Virtual University; Universite Virtuelle Africaine; Universidade Virtual Africana
A description of the African Virtual University’s (AVU) Open Education Resources repository, OER@AVU, including: information related to licensing and file formats.
Match: university; open educational resources; policy

Background and action paper on OER: A background and action paper for staff of bilateral and multilateral organizations at the strategic institutional education sector level
West, Paul G.; Victor, Lorraine; William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Match: oer definition; policy; web 2.0; wiki

Beyond OER: Shifting focus to open educational practices
Andrade, António; Ehlers, Ulf Daniel; Caine, Abel; Carneiro, Roberto; et al.
Open Educational Resources are teaching, learning or research materials that are in the public domain or released with an intellectual property license that allows for free use, adaptation, and distribution. In ...
Match: education; oer definition; open educational resources; policy

Q & A Key Answers about the OER University Plan
Mackintosh, Wayne; Open Education Resource Foundation
Five Open Educational Resource University (OERu) questions answered: 1) Why is OERu significant? 2) How does OERu work? 3) What are the recurrent operational costs? 4) What are the benefits? 5) How to become an anchor ...
Match: university; education; open educational resources; policy

American University is latest to shift toward OER to make college more affordable
Lestch, Corinne
Through the Open Textbook Network, AU students can access hundreds of free, openly licensed textbooks.
Match: university; open educational resources

Motivations and challenges in MOOCs with eastern insights
Zhong, Sheng-Hua; Zhang, Qun-Bo; Li, Zheng-Ping; Liu, Yan; et al.
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are the latest e-learning initiative to attain widespread popularity in the world. Unfortunately, nearly all of these studies are built from western insights. Thus, there is a need ...

MOOC's barriers and enables
Gulatee, Yuwanuch; Nilsook, Prachyanun; the Department of Management and Information Technology, Nakhophanom University, Thailand; the Department of Technological Education, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, 10800, Thailand
MOOCs (massive open online course) become a very popular way of learning these days. People could access MOOCs from anywhere at any time with a fraction of the cost. In this study, we have examined both barriers and ...