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Open Educational Resources and Global Online Learning
McGreal, Rory

PublishedOctober 2020
Book titleCanadian UNESCO Chairs: Reflections on the Futures of Education
Pages 24-29
PublisherCanadian Commission for UNESCO
CountryCanada, North America

This article highlights how Open Educational Resources (OER) can help bridge the knowledge divide to achieve equity in education. The author discusses the different digital barriers set in place to prevent free access to content and explains how these serve to erode efforts to achieve universal learning and education for all.

Keywords open educational resources · equity · digital barriers · open licensing

RightsCC BY-SA
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Open educational resources and global online learning
McGreal, Rory
This piece highlights how Open Educational Resources (OER) can help bridge the knowledge divide to achieve equity in education. The author discusses the different digital barriers set in place to prevent free access to ...
Match: McGreal, Rory; open educational resources; equity; Canada; North America

Open Educational Resources in Canada 2015
McGreal, Rory; Anderson, Terry; Conrad, Dianne; McGreal, Rory; Conrad, Dianne
Canada's important areas of expertise in open educational resources (OER) are beginning to be built upon or replicated more broadly in all education and training sectors. This paper provides an overview of the state of ...
Match: McGreal, Rory; Canada; North America

Measuring use and creation of open educational resources in higher education
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The open educational resources initiative has been underway for over a decade now and higher education institutions are slowly adopting open educational resources (OER). The use and creation of OER are important aspects ...
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Open Educational Resources university: An assessment and credit for students initiative
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Open Educational Resources: Innovation, research and practice
Burgos Aguilar, José Vladimir; Cox, Glenda; Czerniewicz, Laura; D'Antoni, Susan; et al.
Open Educational Resources (OER) – that is, teaching, learning and research materials that their owners make free to others to use, revise and share – offer a powerful means of expanding the reach and effectiveness ...
Match: McGreal, Rory

Open Educational Resources in Canada 2020
McGreal, Rory
COVID 19 has had a wide impact on education internationally and specifically in Canada, with nearly all institutions now transitioning to online education, with many learning for the first time about Open Educational ...
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The implementation of open educational resources at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
McGreal, Rory
Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) is a public undergraduate teaching university with four campuses located in the Metro Vancouver region of British Columbia, Canada. Individual instructors at KPU began identifying, ...
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A survey of OER implementations in 13 higher education institutions
McGreal, Rory
Institutions in many jurisdictions are in the process of implementing Open Educational Resources (OER). This short paper is based on a report commissioned by Contact North/Contact Nord as part of their Pockets of ...
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MOOC integration into secondary school courses
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We investigated how high school students taking a university preparatory economics course would engage with the learning and assessment components of a Behavioural Economics MOOC that was integrated into their ...
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Investigating the perceptions, use, and impact of open textbooks: A survey of post-secondary students in British Columbia
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Unrelenting increases in the price of college textbooks have prompted the development and adoption of open textbooks, educational resources that are openly licensed and available to students free of cost. Although ...
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