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Panel — Teaching students to participate in Open Source Software projects
Ellis, Heidi J C. · Hislop, Gregory W. · Chua, Mel · Kussmaul, Clif · Burke, Matthew M.

Type of workProceedings Paper
Conference2010 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE)2010 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE)
CountryUnited States, North America

This panel will present several experiences in involving students in Open Source Software (OSS) projects from the perspectives of both the instructor and a member of the OSS community. OSS is growing rapidly and gaining market share in both industry (e. g., Linux and Mozilla) as well as academia (e.g, Moodle, Greenfoot, and Drupal). OSS projects have a culture built on volunteer participation to support software development. Computing degree programs desire to involve students in large-scale software projects to provide students with real-world experience and an understanding of the issues found in large, complex software projects. Involving computing students in OSS projects serves both the OSS community by providing development resources for the project while also serving the academic community by providing access to large software projects in which students can gain experience. However, the marriage of student and OSS project presents some challenges including identification of approachable OSS projects, creation of appropriate educational infrastructure, evaluation and grading, and more. Panelists will address the factors that contribute to student success in an OSS project.

Keywords open source software · real-world education · research · student project

Published atArlington, VA
Accession numberWOS:000287083200138
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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