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SPIDER: Shared Practice with iTunes U Digital Educational Resources
Bird, Terese

Alternate titleSCORE Fellowship Final Report By Terese Bird, University of Leicester
PublishedOctober 2011
PeriodicalPages 1-18
PublisherSCORE Fellowship

Terese’s project ran from 1st November 2010 until the 31st October 2011. The aim of the project was to examine the unique issues surrounding the use of iTunes U as a distribution channel of free learning material. SPIDER (Shared Practice with iTunes U Digital Educational Resources) modelled the organisational, pedagogical, and practical implications of an institution adopting iTunes U, by comparing and contrasting approaches of several UK Higher Education institutions - in particular, project partner institutions the Open University, University of Nottingham, and University of Oxford. The model would be disseminated and best practice identified and shared, by means of this report, the SPIDER website, and dissemination events including OER11 in Manchester (May, 2011). SPIDER further examined the impact of iTunes U as a channel of free learning material.

Keywords iTunes U · OER distribution · web 2.0

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