UNESCO guidelines for the recognition, validation and accreditation of the outcomes of non-formal and informal learning
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning [corporate]
Published | 2012 |
Periodical | Pages 1-13 |
Publisher | UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning |
Country | Germany |
The overall aim of these Guidelines is to propose principles and mechanisms that can assist Member States in developing or improving structures and procedures to recognise the outcomes of all forms of learning, particularly those of non-formal and informal learning.UNESCO GUIDELINES
for the Recognition, Validation and Accreditation
of the Outcomes of Non-formal and Informal Learning
More specifically, the purposes are:
• to advocate for the importance of recognising the value of non-formal and informal learning;
• to develop a common understanding of RVA and outline the major considerations in developing a national RVA system;
• to assist Member States in developing tools, standards and mechanisms to identify, document, validate and recognise the learning outcomes of non-formal and informal learning; and
• to create an international platform to facilitate and ensure continuous dialogue on RVA among Member States
Published at | Hamburg |
Language | eng |
Rights | © UIL 2012 |
URL | http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0021/002163/216360e.pdf |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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Open recognition and its enemies (4) — Quality assurance
Ravet, Serge
Match: recognition
Formalising informal learning: Assessment and accreditation challenges within disaggregated systems
McGreal, Rory; Conrad, Dianne; Murphy, Angela; Witthaus, Gabi; Mackintosh, Wayne
This report shares the findings and lessons learned from an investigation into the economics of disaggregated models for assessing and accrediting informal learners undertaking post secondary education. It presents some ...
Match: accreditation
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Open recognition and its enemies (2) — No informal learning without informal recognition
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Match: recognition
Open recognition and its enemies (3) —Informal recognition in the Walhalla of badges
Ravet, Serge
Match: recognition
Guidelines for quality assurance and accreditation of MOOCs
Commonwealth of Learning
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have emerged as an educational innovation with the potential to increase access to and improve the quality of education. Different stakeholders in education view MOOCs from different ...
Match: accreditation
Validation of non-formal MOOC-based learning: An analysis of assessment and recognition practices in Europe (OpenCred)
Witthaus, Gabi; dos Santos, Andreia Inamorato; Childs, Mark; Tannhauser, Anne-Christin; et al.
This report presents the outcomes of research, conducted between May 2014 and November 2015, into emerging practices in assessment, credentialisation and recognition in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Following ...
Match: recognition
Report on the assessment and accreditation of learners using OER
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This report shares the findings and lessons learned from an investigation into the economics of disaggregated models for assessing and accrediting informal learners, with particular attention to the OER University ...
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Match: recognition
Peer-to-peer recognition of learning in open education
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