No university credit, no problem?: Exploring recognition of non-formal learning
Published | October 2014 |
Conference | 2014 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference Pages 2420-2426 |
Country | Sweden, Kenya |
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are disrupting traditional, higher education and redefining how learning takes place online. These open courses typically offer some form of recognition, such as a certificate of completion and/or digital badge, to recognize, validate, and in some cases even accredit learning. A general problem with MOOCs is the uncertainty regarding the use and goals of recognition, validation, and accreditation (RVA), and participants’ acceptance and perception of such techniques. This research effort addresses this problem by exploring course participants’ attitudes and levels of acceptance of non-formal learning recognition compared to traditional university credit in both developed and developing countries. The actual study uses both certificates of completion and digital badges to recognize and validate learning in an introductory, university level course in web programming using HTML5/CSS. The course is available to anyone, but was specifically marketed to participants from Sweden and Kenya. Empirical data was gathered using interviews and online surveys in the course. The preliminary results are that participants from developing countries value digital recognition to a greater extent than their counterparts in Europe. However, both Swedes and Kenyans see open courses with digital recognition as a complement to traditional learning to individually construct an education.Keywords | digital badges · learning recognition · · non-formal learning |
ISBN | 978-1-4799-3922-0/14 |
Refereed | Yes |
Rights | Academia © 2015 |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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