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COL's Policy on Open Educational Resources
Commonwealth of Learning [corporate]

PublishedMay 2011
Type of workpolicy
PeriodicalPages 1
PublisherCommonwealth of Learning

This document specifies a broad policy to promote and inform the development and use of OER in COL.

Keywords distance education · open learning · OER policy

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The concept of openness behind c and x-MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)
Rodriguez, Osvaldo
The last five years have witnessed a hype about MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) presaging a revolution in higher education. Although all MOOCs have in common their scale and free access, they have already bifurcated ...
Match: distance education; open learning

A case study of an international e-learning training division: Meeting objectives
McGreal, Rory; Conrad, Dianne
This paper presents an evaluation of the work of the Commonwealth of Learning’s (COL) eLearning with International Organisations (eLIO) section. Participants in the investigation included a representative sample of ...
Match: distance education; open learning

The reciprocal and correlative relationship between learning culture and online education: A case from Saudi Arabia
Hamdan, Amani; McGreal, Rory; Conrad, Dianne
The purpose of this paper is to build on the insights of educators regarding the relationship between culture and online learning. More specifically, this paper aims to explore the ways in which students’ culture of ...
Match: distance education; open learning

Understanding participant's behaviour in Massively Open Online Courses
Poellhuber, Bruno; Roy, Normand; Bouchoucha, Ibtihel
As the offer of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) continues to grow around the world, a great deal of MOOC research has focused on their low success rates and used indicators that might be more appropriate for ...
Match: distance education; open learning

ICDE media release- December 10, 2014
International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE)
A press release relating the results from discussions at the ICDE - UNESCO Policy Forum in Bali, November 2014.
Match: distance education; OER policy

Evaluating Open Educational Resources: Lessons learned
DeVries, Irwin
It was only ten years ago that MIT announced its OpenCourseWare initiative, and in 2012 the Paris Declaration on OER (Open Educational Resources) was announced by UNESCO. Over this decade, there has been a proliferation ...
Match: distance education; open learning

Implementing multimedia content development strategy in open schooling: The experience of the Namibian College of Open Learning (NAMCOL)
Commonwealth of Learning; Namibian College of Open Learning
This manual was produced as a direct outcome of a Commonwealth of Learning (COL) funded project on capacity building in the production of multimedia learning resources in the context of open schooling. NAMCOL’s ...
Match: Commonwealth of Learning

Impact of OpenCourseWare publication on higher education participation and student recruitment
Carson, Stephen; Kanchanaraksa, Sukon; Gooding, Ira; Mulder, Fred; Schuwer, Robert
The free and open publication of course materials (OpenCourseWare or OCW) was initially undertaken by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and other universities primarily to share educational resources among ...
Match: distance education; open learning

Teachers' perceived value, motivations for and adoption of open educational resources in animal and food sciences.
Algers, Anne; Silva-Fletcher, A.
Teachers' motivations behind their view on value and adoption of open educational resources (OER) were investigated based on 101 questionnaire answers from teachers in animal welfare, animal science and food science. A ...
Match: distance education; open learning

Something for everyone? The different approaches of academic disciplines to Open Educational Resources and the effect on widening participation
Coughlan, Tony; Perryman, L -A.
This article explores the relationship between academic disciplines? representation in the United Kingdom Open University's (OU) OpenLearn open educational resources (OER) repository and in the OU's fee-paying ...
Match: distance education; open learning