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A mathematics OER implementation at Scottsdale Community College, Arizona, USA
McGreal, Rory

Published15 January 2018
PeriodicalVolume 2018, Section Tools and Trends
PublisherContact North/Contact Nord
CountryUnited States, North America

Scottsdale Community College (SCC) in Scottsdale, Arizona offers courses to more than 10,000 students from a wide range of communities, including immigrants and Native Americans. These students experience the normal challenges working adults, returning students, and new-to-college students do regarding financial issues such as paying for tuition. OER were introduced at SCC to reduce cost pressures on students.

This OER initiative was led by faculty in the Mathematics department, hoping to provide greater access to learning content at a significantly reduced price point, while maintaining quality in the materials.

This article discusses the benefits, challenges and potential of OER in higher education.

More articles can be found at Contact North/Contact Nord here:

Keywords case study · cost reduction · improved access · institutional OER policy · OER implementation · student learning · student retention

Other number2018-01-23
RefereedDoes not apply
Access date2018-01-23
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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