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Distance learning - Open educational resources: reasons to be cheerful?
Yair, Yoev

PublishedDecember 2014
JournalACM Inroads
Volume 5, Issue 4, Pages 37-38
CountryUnited States, North America

Published atNew York
RightsCopyright held by author
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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Assessing the savings from open educational resources on student academic goals
Ikahihifo, Tarah K.; Spring, Kristian J.; Rosecrans, Jane; Watson, Josh
Our study found that most students considered OER to be as good or better in terms of quality and engagement as traditional texts, while also allowing them to put saved funds toward their educational pursuits. As rising ...
Match: Open Educational Resources; quality; United States; North America

Accuracy and Quality of Open Educational Resources: A Phenomenological Study
Rambow, Andreas
College textbook prices rose by 1,041% between January 1977 and June 2015. This percentage increase represented three times the rate of annual inflation. College and university instructors consider the move to open ...
Match: quality; United States; North America

Open textbooks: Quality and relevance for postsecondary study in the Bahamas
Bethel, Edward
Open educational resources (OER), are openly licensed text, media, and other digital and analog assets that are useful for teaching, learning, and research. Recent research has shown that in courses where open textbooks ...
Match: quality; North America

Free, open educational content gaining ground in schools
Lestch, Corinne
A California nonprofit organization is looking for vendors to create Open Educational Resources, which would lower costs in schools but some say could upend the $8 billion-a-year educational content and textbook ...
Match: Open Educational Resources; United States; North America

A critical take on OER practices: Interrogating commercialization, colonialism, and content
Crissinger, Sarah
Both Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Access (OA) are becoming more central to many librarians’ work and the core mission of librarianship, in part because of the perceived relationship between openness and ...
Match: Open Educational Resources; United States; North America

SocJustice and K-12 Teachers' Effective Use of OER: A Cross-Cultural Comparison by Nations
Tang, Hengtao; Bao, Yu
Open educational resources (OER) have the potential to promote social justice imperatives in education, but because of the uneven provision of technical infrastructure across different countries, it remains uncertain ...
Match: United States; North America

The effectiveness of Open Educational Resources in college calculus. A quantitative study
Kersey, Scott
We investigate Open Educational Resources (OER) in post-secondary Calculus with face-to-face instruction using web-based homework in a side-by-side comparison with Closed (Proprietary) Educational Resources (CER). ...
Match: Open Educational Resources; United States; North America

A University Program for Faculty-Librarian OER Partnerships: An Activity Systems Analysis
Yao, Zhongrui
The study examines how faculty-librarian partnerships function to support adopting or developing open educational resources for higher education classes. The courses in this study come from four disciplines (Psychology, ...
Match: United States; North America

Open educational resources and institutional repositories
Ferguson, Christine L.
This installment of The Balance Point column delves into the ways in which libraries create and store open educational resources (OER) in institutional repositories (IR), addressing issues such as preservation and ...
Match: Open Educational Resources; United States; North America

Education Department announces new open educational resources hire, college website
Lestch, Corinne
Andrew Marcinek was hired by the Office of Educational Technology to work on connecting K-12 and higher ed schools to openly licensed educational resources.
Match: Open Educational Resources; United States; North America