OER Policy Development at St Augustine Campus of the University of the West Indies
Published | 2023 |
Publisher | Commonwealth of Learning |
Country | Trinidad and Tobago, South America |
Open Educational Resources (OER) have been recognized by UNESCO as important tools supporting the achievement of Strategic Development Goals (SDG) and by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) realizing SDG 4 Education for All.The University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus (UWISTA), in a determined and focused fashion, has initiated a process to adopt a Policy statement on OER. This report contains an overview of the initiative, including the methodologies employed and the outcome achieved following the processes used in formulating a draft OER policy for consideration by the Campus authorities.
As OER continues to gain prominence as a catalyst for democratizing education, this report can highlight UWISTA's commitment to the cause of OER and could also serve as a resource for the wider academic community and policymakers interested in implementing a similar policy supporting open access to educational content. The description of the process conducted, and the draft Policy that emerged from the consultations can offer insights into the strategies employed and lessons learned.
Through this report, COL and readers can explore the UWISTA journey in OER policy development, with the hope that the experiences shared can contribute to a broader discourse on shaping OER policies in the wider Caribbean and beyond.
Keywords | OER policy · policy development · West Indies |
Language | English |
Rights | CC BY-SA |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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