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Growing an institutional health OER initiative: A case study of the University of Ghana
Omollo, Kathleen Ludewig

PublishedMay 2011
PeriodicalPages 1-15
PublisherUniversity of Michigan, OER Africa
CountryGhana, Africa

This case study is the result of semi-structured interviews with teaching faculty, other staff and students involved in OER activities at KNUST. Interviewees (listed on the last page) gave their consent for the author to use their names and direct quotations, and their words are included here verbatim. The study explores KNUST’s experience with OER, highlighting the university’s strategic priorities, achievements, challenges, production process and future plans, as well as participants’ advice for others interested in creating their own institutional OER initiatives.

Keywords africaOER · case study · healthOER · KNUST · OER network

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