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University of the People
Reshef, Shai

PublishedMay 2012
SeriesGame changers: Education and information technologies
Chapter 14, Pages 187-199
PublisherEDUCAUSE Publications
EditorOblinger, Diana. G.

cultural and geographical barriers prevent them from pursuing their educational goals. The University of the People, abbreviated as UoPeople, believes that education is a fundamental human right and that higher education should be universally available to qualified students, regardless of their personal or financial circumstances. This pioneering institution is the first nonprofit, tuition-free (although not entirely no-fee) online university. Since UoPeople's first semester began in September 2009, its programs have been available to students around the world.

The following are the three main points to understand about UoPeople:

It was created to assist individuals who seek higher education, but currently are unable to attain it due to financial, geographic, or societal restraints.
It is based in the belief that higher education is an essential catalyst for generating economic development and, just as important, for creating a more peaceful world through access to individual thought and heightened exposure to diversity.
It seeks to serve as a model for universities and governments to encourage an industry-wide, global drop in education prices as it models the delivery of higher education at significantly less expense with its creative infrastructure. At its core, this innovative university hopes to create positive change in worldwide higher education through its disruptive effect.

Keywords Haiti · business model · higher education · UoPeople

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