Open Educational Resources infoKit
Published | 2013 |
Publisher | The Higher Education Academy |
Open Educational Resources (OERs) are increasingly being made available by Further Education (FE) and Higher Education (HE) institutions. They are resources licensed in a way such that they can be re-used, re-purposed, re-mixed and re-distributed. There are a number of license options for individuals or organisations considering releasing OERs, perhaps the most common being various iterations of the Creative Commons license. This infoKit, as with the whole of the JISC infoNet website, is itself released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license.There are a number of considerations to take into account when dealing with OERs. These range from specific technical issues to barriers and enablers to institutional adoption. This infoKit aims to both inform and explain OERs and the issues surrounding them for managers, academics and those in learning support. It is aimed at senior managers, learning technologists, technical staff and educators with an interest in releasing OERs to the educational community.
This infokit includes information about the three year UK Open Educational Resources Programme (UKOER) (2009 - 2012) and offers links to a wide range of resources which describe the outcomes (lessons learned) and outputs (reports, guidance materials and toolkits) that emerged.
Keywords | OER infokit · OER literature review · OER report · OER resources · toolkit · UKOER · wiki |
Rights | by/3.0 |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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National Repository of Open Education for all Educational Resources: Connecting knowledge connecting people
Anubhuti, Yadav
The National Repository of Open Educational Resources (NROER) is an Indian school education initiative by the Central Institute of Educational technology ( CIET), National Council for Educational Research & ...
Match: resources
Open Educational Resources: Higher education students' knowledge and use
Alves, Paulo; Miranda, Luísa; Morais, Carlos
Information and communication technologies represent one of the main innovation factors within the teaching and learning process, especially in Higher Education. In this context, the search for building useful and ...
Match: resources
Alternate academy: Investigating the use of Open Educational Resources by students at the University of Lagos in Nigeria
Onaifo, Daniel; Quan-Haase, Anabel
Open educational resources (OER) are increasingly used to support pedagogical initiatives and learning needs at institutions of higher education across the globe. In this thesis, I examined key issues in the use of OER ...
Match: resources
Preliminary Report on the Draft Recommendation Concerning Open Educational Resources (OER)
1. This document is prepared further to 39C/Resolution 44 of the UNESCO General Conference, and a follow-up to ‘the Study on International Collaboration on Open Educational Resources (OER) (201 EX/Decision 9), which ...
Match: resources
Two models for sharing digital open educational resources
Rennie, Frank; Reynolds, Patricia
Two contrasting models to facilitate the sharing of digital educational resources available for Higher Education are reviewed. The first model is based upon a low-input / open-access format that identifies, reviews then ...
Match: resources
Suitable economic models for Open Educational Resources initiative in aquaculture higher education
Pounds, Alexandra; Bostock, John
Many initiatives are developing Open Educational Resources (OERs) in a variety of sectors because they have the potential to increase access to education and knowledge. Investment is a limiting factor for many of these ...
Match: resources
Formation of technological university students' readiness to the use of open educational resources
Khasanova, G. F.; Semenova, L. A.
The paper presents the analysis of the “Open education resources” (OER) concept and peculiarities of their use in teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines to future bachelors of the IT sector. The ...
Match: resources
Open Transferable Technology-enabled Educational Resources (OTTER) Project: Stakeholder Views on OER
Nikoi, Samuel K.
This research report is based on data gathered from staff, students and senior managers at the University of Leicester and students from the University College of Falmouth, as well as Librarians in the East Midlands on ...
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Open educational resources at UCL
Tiedau, Ulrich
OER Commons is the first comprehensive open learning network where teachers and professors (from pre-K to graduate school) can access their colleagues course materials, share their own, and collaborate on affecting ...
Match: resources; ukoer
A Comparative Study of National Infrastructures for Digital (Open) Educational Resources in Higher Education
Marín, Victoria I.; Bond, Melissa; Zawacki-Richter, Olaf; Aydin, Cengiz H.; et al.
This paper reports on the first stage of an international comparative study for the project “Digital educational architectures: Open learning resources in distributed learning infrastructures–EduArc”, funded by ...
Match: resources