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MOOCs in a young Applied Sciences University: How to be David among Goliaths?
Salamin, Anne-Dominique and Glassey Balet, Nicole

Published7 November 2020
ConferenceOpen Classroom Conference 2020
CountrySwitzerland, Europe

This paper presents the MOOC experiment conducted by the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO) since 2013. It shows how a young institution with a mainly local anchorage has taken hold of this new teaching approach.The HES-SO MOOC system is describedafter having been introduced worldwide and in Switzerland. Thereafter, the participants, their behavior and their requirements are highlighted with the help of metrics consolidated from the MOOCs presently provided on the dedicated platform. To conclude, the difficulties encountered, the provided solutions and future perspectives are elicited.

Keywords MOOC · metrics · behavior · applied sciences university · strategy

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