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Turning the tide: a socio-critical model and framework for improving student success in open distance learning at the University of South Africa
Subotzky, George and Prinsloo, Paul

PublishedAugust 2011
JournalDistance Education
Volume 32, Issue 2, Pages 177 - 193
PublisherRoutledge, Taylor & Francis
CountrySouth Africa, Africa

The article presents a socio-critical model and framework for understanding, predicting, and enhancing student success developed at the University of South Africa. An extensive literature review indicated that predominant models from international contact institutions were of partial application in this context. Integrating socio-critical, anthropological, and cultural theoretical perspectives, the model applies the key constructs of situated agency, capital, habitus, attribution, locus of control, and self-efficacy to both students and institutions in understanding success at each step of the student’s journey. The model and framework, to be implemented incrementally during 2011, provide useful pointers for open distance learning and other institutions in pursuing greater student success.

Keywords ODL · socio-critical · student retention model · student success

Other informationDistance Education
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