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David L. Kirp on the British Open University
Beshears, Fred

PublishedFebruary 2014
PeriodicalVolume 2014, Pages blog- posted on February 12th, 2014
PublisherInnovation Memes

This is an extended quote from a book by UC Berkeley Professor David Kirp. It provides an excellent description of the team-based approach the OU UK uses to develop their online courses.

Keywords open courses · open education · open textbooks

Other numberDecember 9th, 2014
RefereedDoes not apply
Access dateDecember 9th, 2014
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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Why all self respecting economists should support open textbooks
Beshears, Fred
As the title suggests, this post makes the theoretical case for treating online textbooks as a public good, which means that some combination of government and non-profit funding should be used to fund the development ...
Match: Beshears, Fred; open textbooks

Persuading faculty to select open textbooks
Beshears, Fred
This one starts with the assumption that high quality, open, online textbooks are already available. It then points out that since faculty don't have to pay for the textbooks they select for their courses, they don't ...
Match: Beshears, Fred; open textbooks

The case for Creative Commons textbooks
Beshears, Fred
This is an article I wrote back in 2005. It starts with a discussion of the high cost of textbooks ($900/year per student), and then considers a very novel idea for financing an open alternative to commercial textbooks. ...
Match: Beshears, Fred; open textbooks

OER in context: Reforming the textbook market and higher education
Beshears, Fred
Here are descriptions of and links to a few of my blog posts on Open Educational Resources (OER). Many also discuss OER in the context of reforming both the textbook market and traditional institutions of higher ...
Match: Beshears, Fred; open textbooks

Open Education: Introduction to selected papers
Gil-Jaurena, Inés
This issue of Open Praxis compiles selected papers presented at the Open Education Consortium Global Conference, held in Cape Town (South Africa) on March 8-10, 2017. Additionaly, the Innovative Practice section ...
Match: university; open education

Using an ‘open approach’ to create a new, innovative higher education model
Huggins, Susan; Smith, Peter; Gil-Jaurena, Inés
Navigating learning, formal or informal, can be overwhelming, confusing, and impersonal. With more options than ever, the process of deciding what, where, and when can be overwhelming to a learner. The concept of Open ...
Match: open courses; open education

Open education
Pisutova, K.
Introduction to some concepts of openness in education. This presentation addresses concepts of Open Licensing (Creative Commons licenses), Open Content, Open Coursewere, Open Educational Resources, and Open Teaching ...
Match: open education

Open education e modelli di apprendimento flessibile
Menichetti, Laura
La “cultura open” sta cambiando profondamente il settore della formazione in tutto il mondo, nei suoi aspetti formali e non-formali.Il presente contributo mette a fuoco le diverse declinazioni e costruzioni di ...
Match: university; open education

BC open: Open Ed chat: Dr. Jhangiani, open textbooks, TRU updates
Engle, Will; Lamb, Brian; Jhangiani, Rajiv; Lalonde, Clint
Audio recording from the BC Open Open Education Chat, a monthly series of online discussions on the state and progress of open education in British Columbia. This chat featured Dr. Rajiv Jhangiani from Capilano ...
Match: open education; open textbooks

A recipe for a successful institutional open education initiative
Jhangiani, Rajiv
Excerpt "My University is a Proud Leader in the Open Education Movement. But first, let’s provide some context: KPU is the leading institutional adopter of open textbooks and other OER in Canada. We launched the ...
Match: open education; open textbooks